Some have been rescued. Where will they go? How can they be healed? What can you do? For years she has dwelt in the shadows, surviving, just barely. She has been marginalized, beaten, drugged, and raped, REPEATEDLY! You don't see her, but she lives in your neighborhood, she goes to school with your kids, and she attends Sunday School at your church. She's from every race, every socioeconomic background, every city and town. She is dying inside, traumatized and weighted down by chains of shame. What can you do? Do not look away. Do not make excuses for exploitive behavior. Take notice of questionable behavior, contact Law Enforcement with the details and descriptions. Pray like she is your daughter, your sister, or your niece, because she is. Get involved! Financially support JKK Inheritance Haven.
"I am not ok, yet. But one day, I will be. God is taking me from wounds to scars. From those scars I see beauty that God transformed from destruction. I see these scars as reminders; I will never forget where God brought me from and the victory, He brought me to. I now have beauty for ashes. "
JKK holds Federal and Missouri State approved status as a 501c3 charity. Your tax deductible gift can support her.
EIN: 85-2766427
$8. Buys her lunch.
$17. Buys her a towel set
$35. Buys her a pillow and sheets.
$200. Buys one square foot in a safe home.
$800. Buys her Christian Education Curriculum.
Monies will also be used for office supplies, travel expenses to educate community stake holders, produce educational materials, and much more.
You can also donate using your mobile device through Cash App to 573-854-2031.
sweetheart dinner and dance February 14th 6:00 to 10:00pm